
  • Our team has decades of experience in every area of HVAC, including

    • Employee training

    • Equipment sales

    • Manufacturing and distribution

    • Service and installation

  • We have relationships with large property developers and management companies


  • The general public is unaware of the benefits of heat pumps

  • It will take time to establish find quality parts suppliers that can fill orders in large quantities

  • Supply chain issues, such as the China Tariffs, will cause fluctuations in cost of goods sold


  • Large manufacturers have multi year development cycles, which prevents them from bringing new products to market quickly

  • Most HVAC service providers do not offer custom solutions, other than duct work

  • We will have direct relationships with customers, unlike traditional manufacturers, who sell to installers


  • Once we prove the viability of the product established HVAC companies may choose to offer competing products


Our competitors can be broken into two main categories, large manufacturers, local manufacturers and local service companies

  • Large Manufacturers

    • Daikin

    • Carrier

    • Mitsubishi

    • Fujitsu

    • Trane

  • Local PTAC Manufacturers

    • Islandaire

    • Perfect Aire

  • Local Service Companies

    • Large companies like Donnelly and Afgo

    • Hundreds of “mom & pop” companies